Podcast: AI in healthcare - opportunities and challenges (Dutch)

Jan-Willem Wirds - Anesthesiologist-intensivist and CMIO at St. Antonius Hospital & Wouter Kroese - CEO of Pacmed
December 10, 2024
Reading time:
30 min

This podcast is produced by VvAA and hosted by Ruben Dingemans. In De zorg leeft, an eight-part podcast series by VvAA, fifteen healthcare professionals share their vision for the future of healthcare. Covering topics such as freelancing in healthcare, the impact of AI, and the role of medical misinformation on social media, the series sheds light on current and relevant themes in the field.

In this episode, Wouter Kroese, co-founder of Pacmed, and anesthesiologist-intensivist Jan-Willem Wirds discuss what AI can mean for patients and healthcare professionals. They delve into real-world challenges, including training AI models with patient data and ensuring the representativeness of this data. Discover how the integration of medical knowledge and technical expertise paves the way for better AI applications in healthcare.

Click here to listen on: Spotify or Youtube.